I dont know what to do anymore folks.....As we all know, with every new school year, there's also new "fads" that pop up around school like weeds after the rain. Now, some of these trends are hot, but others, ehhhh...let's just say we could do without. One of these "fads" that are growing increasingly popular, (and just as annoying), are the extra small backpacks. Everywhere I look now, theres some highschool guy, (or gal) wearing one of these ridiculous, small backpacks. Now, I started to notice this trend becoming popular towards the end of last year, and I returned this year to find that the "virus" had spread. It's nearly impossible to walk down the hallway without seeing some wannabe walking down the hallway with their mini backpack. But WAIT, the madness doesnt stop at there! Instead of taking their backpacks off like a normal person, the "hipsters" sit in class with the backpack ON! And dont expect them to leave it in the room when they go out for a sip of water. That bag isnt goin ANYWHERE! I find myself getting sssooo annoyed by this "fad" that it has ultimately become a distraction. I earnestly wish that teenagers would stop trying to be like everyone else for once, and just be THEM. It annoys me to no end to walk down the hall and see every guy wearing a G-Shock and every girl rocking a pair of Rainbow sandals. But as I always say, "What are you gonna do?". There are always going to be fads, and there are always going to be insecure teenagers who bend over backwards to conform to the crowd. Now, dont think that I'm being Mr. Uppity here. I, at times, find myself yearning to wear what the "cool kids" wear, but at the end of the day, you have to realize that it's your INDIVIDUALITY that makes you special, not your ability to blend in.