Hola Bloggers! I hope everybody's having a great Labor Day weekend. This three day weekend was GREATLY needed after those first two weeks of school! I'm one of those people that NEVER get used to waking up early, so getting to sleep in has been quite a delightful experience. This Saturday I visited some HBCU's (Historically Black Colleges) with this great organization called Campus Connections. Now, at first I wasnt crazy about the whole HBCU thing, but it's looking a little better now. That took up allll of Saturday, so I didnt get to join my FBCW family on their mall scavenger hunt :(, but it was still a great experience. Sunday consisted of church in the morning and friends the rest of the day :). As of now.....I'm waiting for my dad to come home so I can go to South Park Mall and take advantage of some dope sales lol.....So with THAT I bid you all adieu. And until next time....KATO MATE!
Ayy MEN FRSH BLOq FOlloW MEEH AND ILL FOLLOW YOU http://Junscreativeactlife.blogspot.com -THANKS