Monday, November 23, 2009

Janet is BACK!

I won't do it bloggers. I won't be the one (of too many) Americans who'll sit around and say
The only reason Janet is getting so much attention is because Michael died.
I WON'T DO IT! Now while it's common knowledge that Janet hasn't been as big as she used to be since the Superbowl incident, and the new-found obsession with the youngest Jackson child is a little odd, I won't deny that it is past due. Americans as a people may be more open to certain celebrity acts, but we are by no means the most forgiving. Americans can hold a grudge! Let's take the Kanye West/Taylor Swift incident that occurred in SEPTEMBER for example. After Kanye West interrupted Taylor's speech to protest her winning (which I do not support him for), he was the most hated man in America! And I dare someone to try and tell me that he wasn't! Now, yes, he did deserve some of the flack that he got. But why people are still going on about it over two months later is beyond me! The same thing happened when Janet had her "wardrobe malfunction" on national television, and received nothing but hate for 5+ years. But it seems like America is finally ready to embrace The Queen of Pop once again. Janet has been the focus of all our attention since June when Michael died, and it looks like Janet is back on her way up to the position that she once held as Pop Royalty. Congratulations Janet!

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