Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where Were You?

Where were you on September 11th, 2001? On this day marked with tragedy in America, I urge you to pray not only for those who were lost as a result of these attacks, (as well as their loved ones), but also for terrorists out there who need to see God's light and true face.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"SMH" of The Day: Terry Jones

The Floridian pastor has been making headlines lately because of his plans to hold a "Quran Burning" on the 9th anniversary of 9/11. REALLY?! How can you call yourself a Christian pastor and show so much hate toward others who you're supposed to show the love of Jesus to? I dunno.....God only knows how he still has a congregation under his leadership...

Monday, August 23, 2010

"Do Hard Things" My Two Cents and Promo Video

Hello Bloggers! I'm officially BACK! I took some unplanned time off due to writers block/lack of interest, etc., but I'm definitely ready to re-enter the blogging world and do big things....or for the sake of this entry, do HARD things. That's the title of the book pictured above. It was written by two teens adults, Alex and Brett Harris who wanted to challenge teens all over to do what the title says, through a "rebelution". Now, I don't want to cover too much in this entry, because I really want you all to go out and get this book. I just started reading it yesterday as a part of this study that my church youth group is doing, and I must say that it is a pretty good book so far. If you really want to make a difference in your lives and the lives of others, this is the book to read. Now for the fun part. My great youth pastor, Quintell Hill, recently did a promo video for this book on YouTube in order to peak interest in the study. The video is HILARIOUS. I hope you all enjoy it, and until next time, KATO MATE.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I think I'm ready to start blogging again...I took some time off due to a lack of motivation and ideas....but...I think it's time to come back....

Monday, July 12, 2010

I Just Thought That I Should Let You All Know...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I AM EMPLOYED! It has been a TRYING 7 or so months, but I'm finally back to working. I'm a cashier at Harris Teeter, a huge supermarket chain in the southeast U.S. I love it. I have to thank God for keeping me financially during my "unemployment era" was rough.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

"Tell Me About It.....STUD."

I don't know what it is, but I'm OBSESSED with studs. I bought my first studded belt in 7th grade at PacSun, and ever since then, I've been obsessed with all things studded. So here's a little tribute to some of the studded things that I love.

Really Joseph???

Joe 'Gangsta' Jackson is at it again! On Sunday, Joseph was featured in a video, blaming Katherine Jackson for their late-son, Michael's death. SHAKING. MY. HEAD. God bless Janet, Katherine, Paris, Prince, and Blanket, but the whole Jackson family is ONE HOT MESS. I think I may have to make a special feature dedicated to the Jackson family alone, because they just get more bizzare by the day...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My Two Cents: Kanye's "Power", and the Nicki Minaj and Lil' Kim "Beef".

Happy June 8th everybody! I know it's been a long time since my last post, but with school coming to a close, (last day is tomorrow!!), I've been really tied up with work; you have my apologies. But more importantly, let's get into today's topics. First: Kanye West's new jam, "Power".
                                                                                                                                                                           I don't know about you guys, but I was BEYOND psyched when I first heard "Power" about a week ago! It was really the first thing that ANY ONE'S heard from the "Kanye Camp" for some time, and in true Yeezy fashion, "Martin Louie the King Jr." did not disappoint. With a sample from King Crimson, Ye flows over the beat with such attitude and swag that is very familiar to Kanye fans and critics alike. Only time will tell how great his album will be, and until then, Kanye fans have something to bump to until the full product is unveiled.                                                                                                                                                                                             Now for the topic of conversation on every blog/twitter/entertainment news page: The Nicki Minaj and Lil' Kim "beef". Now, I hesitate to call it a beef for one reason: It's one-sided. While Kim has been showing animosity and ultimately, jealousy, Nicki has been the bigger person through this whole ordeal, avoiding the nonsense that Kim seems determined to keep going. KUDOS to you Nicki Minaj! I'm glad that you don't have to resort to calling people out in order to get publicity like SOME people. And Kim, don't think that I'm done with you! You should be VERY ashamed of yourself! When a new MC female comes into the game, it's your responsibility, as one of the BIGGEST female MC's to EVER do it, to herald them into the game, not fire cheap shots out of jealousy. And maybe you could also do a reality check and hand her the baton,  because it's QUITE clear that your career is VERY close to being over.                                                                                                                                                         *I apologize for the weird way that it broke up the paragraphs/sentences.*

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Justin Beiber Nomination, and My Problem with BET.

OK, here's my question: "WHY ARE BLACK PEOPLE SO UP IN ARMS ABOUT JUSTIN BEIBER'S BET NOMINATION?". While I'll admit that I was a little shocked to hear that he was nominated, I'm certainly not going to gather my pitchfork and call an angry mob over it. I think that by getting so upset about the whole situation black people are only making themselves look VERY RACIST. Real talk. Now, I do understand where SOME people are coming from; maybe BET could've used JB's spot to promote another black artist who needs the exposure, but I don't think that BET should become so exclusive that we neglect to recognize ALL of the artists with talent, in respects to each award category. If it gets to that point, then white people will soon be complaining about BET in the same way that we complained about MTV when they refused to play black videos. Make sense? Good. But there is one more thing that I'd like to talk about in regards to BET. A lot of people credit BET with promoting black artists who don't get a lot of mainstream exposure. 100% true. But what about our "Rihanna's", "Lupe Fiasco's", "Janelle Monae's", and "B.o.B's" who can BARELY get spots on shows like 106 & Park because their music doesn't fit in with the rest of the music on the channel? I think THAT'S a REAL problem that should upset people. BET mainly caters to the hip-hop and rap culture these days, and I think that's very sad since black music is MUCH MORE than that. Maybe we should be focusing our energy into making sure that ALL of OUR artists get recognition on OUR channel instead of criticizing others (like Beiber) who are able to cross over into our (occasionally hostile) waters.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Can Someone Tell Me What's With All the Gaga Comparisons??

As some of you may know, Christina Aguilera's music video for "Not Myself Tonight" premiered on April 30. I've seen the music video, but for purposes of time I'll keep my opinions to myself. But what I WON'T keep to myself about are the countless comparisons that people have drawn up between Aguilera's video and Lady Gaga's videos, mainly "Bad Romance". To be nice and keep it simple at the same time, I'll say this: "ARE YOU GUYS SERIOUS??!". How come people compare EVERYTHING that's different and "out-there" to Lady Gaga these days?! It's as if people think that Lady Gaga invented being different or eccentric in the music business. Really?! People like Boy George, Grace Jones, and Madonna (all of whom have had Gaga compared to them) have been "doing" different things for YEARS before Gaga was even a thought in her own mind. And the most ridiculous thing about this whole situation is that Christina Aguilera's been rocking the electric blonde hair and making a unique image for herself WAY before Lady Gaga. So why are we not comparing Gaga to Aguilera?? But hold on and let me backtrack. Gaga surely didn't create individuality, but she definitely did help bring about a new "wave" of creativity in music, and I can't fault her for that. But when there are only two shots that the two music videos seem to share, (both stars wore Carrera Aviators, and Aguilera did seem to be wearing a Bad Romance-esque "jewelry bikini" type thing that looked similar to an outfit I saw in Bad Romance) there is no justification in websites saying that Christina "copied" Gaga. Let's get real people. 

Saturday, April 24, 2010

"I'm Beamin"....The Steppin Lasers Tour

So on last Friday night, (April 16th, 2010) I was listening to my radio in my room, when I heard it. Lupe Fiasco. UNC Charlotte. April 23, 2010. Of course I was ecstatic. A concert on my birthday?! And a Lupe Fiasco concert at that?! Immediately I began getting plans together with two of my good friends who I knew are Lupe fans. And on Tuesday afternoon, I had the tickets printed out. So from then on, I tried to go about my week as calmly as possible until Friday came, (which was a HARD thing to do). Finally Friday morning came with hundreds of "Happy Birthday" Facebook messages and all that good stuff, but all I could think about was the concert that night. So somehow I ended up making it through the day in a calm manner, and me and my friends arrived on the (beautiful) UNC Charlotte campus at around 7:00 pm, and I immediately ran into the arena section to catch a glimpse of the stage (pictured above), and at that point it hit me. I was really about to see Lupe in about an hour. So 8:00pm met me sitting anxiously in my seat waiting for the concert to begin with B.o.B, who would be the opening act for the night. Eventually the lights dimmed and "Airplanes" filled the stadium....Now, let me sidetrack for a minute. I know that the mainstream radio is just now getting used to the sounds of B.o.B, but I was fortunate to have a friend introduce me to his music a while ago, and at first I didn't really appreciate him. But experiencing B.o.B live was a totally different story. The way he owned the stage with his hybrid rap-pop-country was amazing, and was essentially all that I needed to decide upon buying the album when it comes out on Tuesday. So after about an hour, B.o.B wrapped up his set, and it was time for Lupe to come on. When the lights dimmed for a second time, the crowd went wild. Then the stadium was filled with the sound of an electric guitar playing the beginning of "Shining Down", and in a matter of seconds, Lupe was on the stage, and the show had begun. If I wrote about the whole show we'd be here all night, so here's my quick "summary"....Lupe is an AMAZING performer. The booming drums and roaring guitars mixed with Lupe's rock-esque energy made one feel like they were at a rock concert. My favorite song of the night was probably "Hip-Hop Saved My Life", a song that made the stadium go nuts with excitement, and set the tone for the rest of the night. All in all, the show was AMAZING, and only made me more anxious for the release of Lasers..........So, if you have the opportunity to catch Lupe and B.o.B on the Steppin Lasers Tour, I BEG you to go see it. Sorry for not being as thorough as possible, but I just wanted to give you guys a quick preview of the show. So as always, Kato mate. 

Saturday, April 10, 2010

So What's YOUR Favorite Michael Jackson Video?

Well as you can already tell, mine is "Bad". I've always been a sucker for the "punk", studded leather look, so this video has always been huge for me. But enough about ME. I want to know what YOUR favorite Michael Jackson video is. Leave your comments and responses below. And as always, Kato Mate.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Erykah Badu's "Window Seat"

OK, let's face it. Erykah Badu lost her mind a WHILE ago, and I doubt that even she can object to that. Nevertheless, I was still very shocked when I watched her video for "Window Seat". In the video, Badu plays on the assassination of JFK while protesting conformity. Sounds harmless right? One would think so until they get to 3:46 when the singer is left in nothing but her bra and panties while walking nonchalantly on a public street. Now I know you guys are probably thinking "WTF??", but it gets better (and I use that word lightly). Miss Badu is still turning heads at 4:26 when she reaches for her bra strap. Now at that point, I was thinking "There's no way this is happening". But indeed it did. In a matter of 6 seconds, the singer was TOPLESS. You can immediately see the shock and outrage as pedestrians look at the half-naked singer parading down the street in nothing but her undies. But holding true to the rest of the video, it doesn't stop there. At 4:44 the singer reaches for her underpants and casually pulls them off. And there is Erykah Badu. Naked on the street. At that point I'm speechless, but Erykah has one more "shock" up her sleeve (or SKIN). The sound of a gun shot comes out of nowhere and immediately Erykah flings her head back and collapses to the ground, mirroring the assassination of JFK . Then Erykah's voice is heard once more, but this time she is talking. She criticizes a group (who she later identifies as "us") for conforming and being too afraid to stand out apart from the group. A good message, right? Precisely. But was casually walking down the street nude the way to get it across? No. I am no advocate for being so politically correct that you lose the real meaning of a piece of art in your own criticism of it. I find nothing wrong with the singer's allusion to the assassination of a president because it had a good meaning behind it. But the manner in which it was done was distasteful to say the least. Kudos to Erykah for the nice piece of pop art that she's gave us, but on the contrary, shame on her for her vulgarity.   

Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care Reform: So Where Do YOU Stand?

We all (should) know what happened last night with health care reform. But what I want to know is where YOU stand on the issue. Are you happy? Upset? Outraged? Shocked? Tell me! As you can tell from the picture above, I'm on the fence about the situation, and want to hear what others have to say about it. Leave your opinions/remarks/concerns, etc. in the comment area. Thank you, and as always, KATO MATE.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

So Do Tell Me..

What are some common misconceptions that either you or some people you know have about Christians? This idea just came to me as a result of a recent debate with an unbeliever via Facebook as I realized that A LOT of people have these misconceptions or are confused about Christianity/Christians/God, etc. So I want to know what YOUR questions/comments/concerns and I'll try my BEST to attend to them. But let's get one thing straight first. This is by NO MEANS a debate. This is an opportunity for me to "clear the air" in a way and hopefully change lives. *BTW PLEASE MAKE SURE TO CHECK BACK ON THIS POST FOR MY ANSWER/RESPONSE TO WHAT YOU WRITE BECAUSE AS YOU ALL KNOW WE DON'T GET NOTIFICATIONS WHEN SOMEONE REPLIES TO WHAT WE SAY ON BLOGGER!*

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Blame it on the Au-Au-Au-Au-Au-Autotune. these two performances were done within MONTHS of each other (the one at the bottom being the most recent one). Now, a lot of people are saying that Rihanna ISN'T using auto-tune in the second one but if you listen CLOSELY (especially at 2:17 and 3:00-3:01), and then compare it to the first video performance which took place in November I believe(?), then you'll notice a HUGE difference in Rihanna's voice that sounds almost, AUTOTUNED. Now, before you guys jump down my throat let me say that Rihanna has grown TREMENDOUSLY in the last couple years as far as live performances, but there's no ignoring the use of auto-tune here.

Monday, March 1, 2010


How could you look at this picture and not be in awe of the genius that IS STILL Michael Jackson?! I presume that this picture was taken before MJ donned the stage on his critically-acclaimed "Bad World Tour", and for some reason it just strikes me as AWESOME. Here is the man, the legend, in all his (and GOD knows I HATE this word but here it goes), SWAGGER! I don't know..maybe it's just because I'm a FANATIC of the "Bad-era" that I feel this way over a picture, but then again, Michael is an amazing man.


The thing's people do for money...

Friday, February 26, 2010

I'm So Sorry Rihanna...

You've gotten REALLY good with your live vocals, and I respect you as an artist, but this "Tupac"/"Baby Mamma" look isn't doing it for me.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

ECCENTRIC is The Word of The Day.

ec·cen·tric: deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways.

1.) Givenchy Studded Plaid 2.)Tokio Hotel lead singer, Bill Kaulitz wearing a custom Dsquared2 jacket.

Friday, February 19, 2010

And you thought he was gone forever...

Well I'm NOT! I've just been doing the "grown-up thing" and attending to my schoolwork like a good student. But it has SUCKED not being able to blog for these past couple weeks, and I apologize GREATLY for leaving you without my great posts. I'll try not to let this happen too often. But on another note, have you guys heard that the pregnant "Man" is pregnant again? Now, ever since this story decided to "blow up" in the media I've been over it. I'm disappointed in Oprah for even encouraging this foolishness, and I'm ready for it to be over with. I don't view this as some "medical miracle" or any of that...I see it how it is-a woman getting pregnant. Point blank. End of story.
And while we're on the topic of foolishness, did anyone see (because I KNOW you didn't hear) Janet Jackson's part in "We Are The World 25"? Like I said before, ENOUGH SAID.And that brings us to our final topic of discussion: THEATRE. Do I have any theatre "buffs"/"junkies"/"fans" in here? Raise your hand....*counting*....OK that's a pretty good number. Well I asked because I'm in Theatre II this semester, and I have a partner scene to present on either Monday or Tuesday. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? It can be any advice WHATSOEVER! I don't care if it has to do with blocking, projection, or body language, I just want to hear what you guys have to say! So leave your comments/suggestions/advice in the comment area as it will be greatly appreciated. So that's pretty much all for today. I'll try to do more posting on the regular basis from now on, and I apologize once again for the lack of posts recently. And as always, KATO MATE.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Stills from "Rude Boy" video shoot.

As the stills from Rihanna's upcoming video for "Rude Boy" show, we're definitely in for something else. Sticking to her Caribbean roots and utilizing the same director from her "Hard" video (Melina Matsoukas), the video for "Rude Boy" is looking to be yet another inductee into Rihanna's ever-growing "hall" of eye-popping music videos.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Value of a Dollar.

I think I'm learning it. For the past 2 months I've, I don't wanna say...well I guess it IS right...UNEMPLOYED. TECHNICALLY I have a job, but I haven't been on the schedule for 2 months. Every time I call, they're apparently real slow, and only 5 or so managers are even on clock. Now, at first, I wasn't phased. Hey, I had Friday nights to myself! I got to hang out with my friends, watch TV, and spend my Friday, (with the exception of school), however I wanted. That was all fine and dandy of course, until Saturday came-Mall day. I mean, who doesn't like to go to the mall on Saturday, whether it be with friends, or (dare I say) with family? But a problem soon began to emerge-I was on the road to becoming broke. That didn't feel good to me after over a year of having a reliable source of money in my pocket, and it still doesn't feel good. Saturdays come and go, and find me with little to no money. How am I supposed to enjoy a trip to the mall like that? Exactly, I don't. Now it's pretty much window-shopping for me. I pass the displays in the stores and press my face up against the window with the longing of a child at Christmas time. It's not fun-at all. But I can say that some good things seem to be coming out of it. For one, I appreciate what I already have, more so then I did before. I mean, yeah, I do still want stuff, but I can say that I'm more thankful for what I have NOW. Another plus, (and probably the only other positive to come out of this situation) is that I'm learning the value of a dollar. When I was regularly employed with a steady income, I'd throw away dollars like it was NOTHING. Urban Outfitters? Let's go! New sneakers? Why not? But I'm not in that state of abundance now, and sometimes I look back on how I use to spend money and I get a little upset at myself for not treasuring it, or SAVING any of it. But in the words of Alicia Keys, "..I call it a lesson learned." Now I know how NOT to handle money. I know how to be contempt with my funds and how to manage them in a way that will efficiently stretch every dollar. So now I'm determined. I've been filling out job applications EVERYWHERE for the past two months, and I know that it's gonna pay off VERY SOON. I'm ready to re-enter the job force with more knowledge of how it works. Jobs aren't always guaranteed folks. So cherish what you do have now, and remember..MANAGE YOUR MONEY WISELY!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Straight TRASHY.

Alright, now as you guys might have guessed, I'm not one to bash anything "Kanye-related". But I've held my tongue LONG enough! Amber Rose is one of the trashiest women I've ever seen or heard of. Need convincing? Look above. That's all you'll need. Now, I know I might have offended some 'Amber-heads" out there, and believe me, you have my most SINCERE apologies, (PSH, yea right), but Kanye could, without a doubt do much better. After all, she's REALLY no rose.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Give in Style.

Beyonce was looking great as she performed a slightly revised version of "Halo" last night during the "Hope for Haiti Now" telethon. I'm getting an updated "Michael Jackson Thriller-era" feel here, anyone else?


Please help us to show the Haitians that we will NEVER leave them stranded!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

"Graffiti" VS "Rated R"

They were a match made in heaven. A celebrity couple among the ranks of Jay-Z and Beyonce. Everything seemed perfect. Then, last February, these two stars were pitted against each other by the fans, the media, and THE WORLD. And now, nearly a year later, the two stars find themselves in yet another face off, but this time it doesn't include domestic violence. Instead, people all around the world are asking, "Who had the better album? Chris or Rihanna?" Now, before you say it: I KNOW I'M A TAD BIT LATE. These two albums were released towards the end of last year. But give me some slack, alright? I like to listen to an album multiple times before I pass judgement on it, and with a pairing like this? Come on now, I NEEDED TIME. But now I feel like I've given each album enough time to make themselves known to me, and I'm finally ready to pass judgement...Rihanna's album blew Chris' out of the water folks. To be honest, it wasn't even a competition. I just feel like I'm getting a more "stripped down", and vulnerable version of an artist from "Rated R" then I get from "Graffiti". But then again, you have to take into consideration where each artist is coming from with this album. One is from the viewpoint of a battered young starlet, and the other, from the viewpoint of the abuser with problems of his own. So OF COURSE the two albums will be different. But with that said, I still have to give props to Rihanna. She made the far better album. With "Rated R", you're immediately thrown into the world of a recovered abuse victim who's ready to show the world that she's back, and at her best. With songs like "G4L" (Gangster For Life), and "Hard", it's hard for anyone to grip the fact that this is the same Rihanna whose bruised face the world gazed upon just last year. This seems like "super-Rihanna", a fearless heroine who can take on anything. But this hybrid version of Rihanna also takes time to show her scars and express her vulnerability on tracks such as "Cold Case Love" and "Fire Bomb", where her rockstar image is suddenly torn away, revealing a woman who is, for lack of better terms, more believable. THAT is "Rated R" in an ever-so-concise nutshell. And now for "Graffiti". I must say, I was very skeptical of Chris Brown's comeback album even before listening to it. But after hearing "Crawl", I was convinced to listen to the whole album. I must say that I was impressed. From electro dance numbers such as "I.Y.A" (In Your Arms), to the seemingly Ragtime-inspired ballad, "I'll Go", "Graffiti" offers a wide spectrum of musical styles. But at the same time, I can't help but notice an underlying sense of arrogance in Brown's new music. Maybe I can blame songs like "Famous Girl"and "Lucky Me" for that. Another problem that I have with Chris' new album is the fact that is ends VERY quickly. Whereas Rihanna's album seems to take you all over the world and back, Chris' album seems to only take you around once. Maybe it's me though, who knows. But all in all, Chris put up a good fight with this album, however, it seems that this time, Rihanna finally had the last punch.


Yes! I KNOW! I promised you guys a new post yesterday, and I had it!! I edited the video on Windows Movie Maker, (big mistake) only to find out that NO ONE ACCEPTS THAT FORMAT!! URGGHHH!!! I'll have to think of something else.....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I know that you guys have been EAGERLY awaiting the next post from me, (after all, who doesn't?), but I've been getting BOMBARDED lately with tons of schoolwork in preparation for my exams which start Friday. So let's schedule the next post for Friday? THANK YOU. And as always..KATO MATE.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Set the example.

Kanye, his cousin, and Amber Rose feeding the homeless at the LA Mission. How many celebrities do you see really getting down and dirty for a cause? Yeah sure, donating money's great, but it makes for a more personal experience when you actually get to encounter those that you're helping. May God bless you and yours Kanye.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Little Lupe, Little Lupe, Little Lupe, We're Calling You...

So I definitely need this now. It's a Lupe action figure. So realistic are the facial features that I thought this was a paparazzi picture at first. P.S HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!