Well I'm NOT! I've just been doing the "grown-up thing" and attending to my schoolwork like a good student. But it has SUCKED not being able to blog for these past couple weeks, and I apologize GREATLY for leaving you without my great posts. I'll try not to let this happen too often. But on another note, have you guys heard that the pregnant "Man" is pregnant again? Now, ever since this story decided to "blow up" in the media I've been over it. I'm disappointed in Oprah for even encouraging this foolishness, and I'm ready for it to be over with. I don't view this as some "medical miracle" or any of that...I see it how it is-a woman getting pregnant. Point blank. End of story.

And while we're on the topic of foolishness, did anyone see (because I KNOW you didn't hear) Janet Jackson's part in "We Are The World 25"? Like I said before, ENOUGH SAID.

And that brings us to our final topic of discussion: THEATRE. Do I have any theatre "buffs"/"junkies"/"fans" in here? Raise your hand....*counting*....OK that's a pretty good number. Well I asked because I'm in Theatre II this semester, and I have a partner scene to present on either Monday or Tuesday. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? It can be any advice WHATSOEVER! I don't care if it has to do with blocking, projection, or body language, I just want to hear what you guys have to say! So leave your comments/suggestions/advice in the comment area as it will be greatly appreciated. So that's pretty much all for today. I'll try to do more posting on the regular basis from now on, and I apologize once again for the lack of posts recently. And as always, KATO MATE.
seriously! just because "she" looks like a guy now doesnt mean that its a miracle!!