Friday, February 26, 2010
I'm So Sorry Rihanna...
You've gotten REALLY good with your live vocals, and I respect you as an artist, but this "Tupac"/"Baby Mamma" look isn't doing it for me.

Thursday, February 25, 2010
ECCENTRIC is The Word of The Day.
ec·cen·tric: deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways. 

1.) Givenchy Studded Plaid 2.)Tokio Hotel lead singer, Bill Kaulitz wearing a custom Dsquared2 jacket.

1.) Givenchy Studded Plaid 2.)Tokio Hotel lead singer, Bill Kaulitz wearing a custom Dsquared2 jacket.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
And you thought he was gone forever...
Well I'm NOT! I've just been doing the "grown-up thing" and attending to my schoolwork like a good student. But it has SUCKED not being able to blog for these past couple weeks, and I apologize GREATLY for leaving you without my great posts. I'll try not to let this happen too often. But on another note, have you guys heard that the pregnant "Man" is pregnant again? Now, ever since this story decided to "blow up" in the media I've been over it. I'm disappointed in Oprah for even encouraging this foolishness, and I'm ready for it to be over with. I don't view this as some "medical miracle" or any of that...I see it how it is-a woman getting pregnant. Point blank. End of story. 
And while we're on the topic of foolishness, did anyone see (because I KNOW you didn't hear) Janet Jackson's part in "We Are The World 25"? Like I said before, ENOUGH SAID.
And that brings us to our final topic of discussion: THEATRE. Do I have any theatre "buffs"/"junkies"/"fans" in here? Raise your hand....*counting*....OK that's a pretty good number. Well I asked because I'm in Theatre II this semester, and I have a partner scene to present on either Monday or Tuesday. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? It can be any advice WHATSOEVER! I don't care if it has to do with blocking, projection, or body language, I just want to hear what you guys have to say! So leave your comments/suggestions/advice in the comment area as it will be greatly appreciated. So that's pretty much all for today. I'll try to do more posting on the regular basis from now on, and I apologize once again for the lack of posts recently. And as always, KATO MATE.
And while we're on the topic of foolishness, did anyone see (because I KNOW you didn't hear) Janet Jackson's part in "We Are The World 25"? Like I said before, ENOUGH SAID.

Saturday, February 13, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Stills from "Rude Boy" video shoot.

As the stills from Rihanna's upcoming video for "Rude Boy" show, we're definitely in for something else. Sticking to her Caribbean roots and utilizing the same director from her "Hard" video (Melina Matsoukas), the video for "Rude Boy" is looking to be yet another inductee into Rihanna's ever-growing "hall" of eye-popping music videos.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The Value of a Dollar.
I think I'm learning it. For the past 2 months I've been...um, I don't wanna say...well I guess it IS right...UNEMPLOYED. TECHNICALLY I have a job, but I haven't been on the schedule for 2 months. Every time I call, they're apparently real slow, and only 5 or so managers are even on clock. Now, at first, I wasn't phased. Hey, I had Friday nights to myself! I got to hang out with my friends, watch TV, and spend my Friday, (with the exception of school), however I wanted. That was all fine and dandy of course, until Saturday came-Mall day. I mean, who doesn't like to go to the mall on Saturday, whether it be with friends, or (dare I say) with family? But a problem soon began to emerge-I was on the road to becoming broke. That didn't feel good to me after over a year of having a reliable source of money in my pocket, and it still doesn't feel good. Saturdays come and go, and find me with little to no money. How am I supposed to enjoy a trip to the mall like that? Exactly, I don't. Now it's pretty much window-shopping for me. I pass the displays in the stores and press my face up against the window with the longing of a child at Christmas time. It's not fun-at all. But I can say that some good things seem to be coming out of it. For one, I appreciate what I already have, more so then I did before. I mean, yeah, I do still want stuff, but I can say that I'm more thankful for what I have NOW. Another plus, (and probably the only other positive to come out of this situation) is that I'm learning the value of a dollar. When I was regularly employed with a steady income, I'd throw away dollars like it was NOTHING. Urban Outfitters? Let's go! New sneakers? Why not? But I'm not in that state of abundance now, and sometimes I look back on how I use to spend money and I get a little upset at myself for not treasuring it, or SAVING any of it. But in the words of Alicia Keys, "..I call it a lesson learned." Now I know how NOT to handle money. I know how to be contempt with my funds and how to manage them in a way that will efficiently stretch every dollar. So now I'm determined. I've been filling out job applications EVERYWHERE for the past two months, and I know that it's gonna pay off VERY SOON. I'm ready to re-enter the job force with more knowledge of how it works. Jobs aren't always guaranteed folks. So cherish what you do have now, and remember..MANAGE YOUR MONEY WISELY!
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