It's here! With the end of the year, comes the beginning of one of the soon-to-be biggest vlogging phenomenons EVER-THE JAY POPPINO SHOW! This vlog is filled with heart-wrenching tales of one being alone, sincere warnings on "The dangers of Fashion", and everything else you could possibly need in a vlog! Your only missing piece of information is the link to Jay's Youtube channel! http://http//
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Just a Quick...BLURB...

I've been listening to Alicia Keys' newest album, "The Element of Freedom", for about two weeks now, and I'm finally ready to pass my judgement on it.........The album is amazing people. This album, (and YES, I know I've said this a lot this year) can easily be my favorite album of the year. Alicia really put her heart and soul into this album, and it shows. My favorite song off of the album is "Un-thinkable (I'm Ready)". The song was mostly written by rap new-comer Drake, and is a very smooth, groovy track. If you haven't listened to this album yet, I advise you to visit Alicia's Myspace and hear it for yourself. And as always...KATO MATE.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry CHRISTmas Bloggers!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009

I've always wanted to meet a celebrity. I remember getting excited when we would drive down Hollywood Blvd. on vacations in California. I was EAGER to spot one of them. Like a sci-fi geek eager to spot a UFO, I would peer out of the window in desperation, easily fooled when a faux Michael Jackson would catch my eye. As I got older, I realized that most celebrities probably don't hang out around Hollywood Blvd. Then one day, my friend told me that he saw Samuel L. Jackson while in NYC. SHOOT! Why do other people get to see them and not me? Oh the frustration. And it pains me even today to admit that I have yet to encounter one of them. Sure, I met then-President Bil Clinton when I was about eight in Martha's Vineyard, but that doesn't count to me. Sure, I caught a glimpse of Busta Rhymes one time in Long Island, but again: that doesn't count. I want a real encounter with a celebrity. One that I could blog about, and produces photographic evidence. And then it hit me. Would I be able to handle an encounter with a celebrity? I've always been one to shake my head at hysterical fans who tend to pass out and cry at the sight of celebrities, but as time moved on, I realized that those "crazy people" could easily be me one day. This epiphany has sparked a new fear in me. Now, before you ask why I would have a fear of meeting a celebrity, let's look at some examples of a celebrity that is liable to act out when "not in the mood". Kanye West. In September 2008, Mr. West and his manager were arrested for attacking a paparazzi at LAX airport. That by itself scares me. Kanye was also arrested that November for having another scuffle with a paparazzi at Newcastle Upon Time, England. Now, looking at those two examples of people getting attacked by Mr. West at the "wrong times", I think it's fair to say that Kanye really doesn't like being encountered when he's out and about. That's a problem for me. If I see a celebrity out on the street, (or anywhere), I'm going to approach them. And if it happens to be Kanye West....Oh yes! I'm most definitely going to approach him! But what if he's having one his infamous "off days" on the day that our paths cross? I guess you all will just have to stay tuned and see what happens...because we WILL meet. One day.
Thursday, December 17, 2009

I am SO sorry for the lack of posts lately. School has just been so hectic that I couldn't find any time to post new entries. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel! CHRISTMAS BREAK IS UPON US! That'll leave me with enough time and new topics to blog about, so SIT TIGHT! I haven't given up on you so PLEASE hang in there as I find a way to balance both my personal life and my blogging. Thank you so much for all the support, and as always, KATO MATE.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Kanye West Slighted (Once Again).
I DON'T KNOW. Maybe this just isn't my year for award shows. I'm usually VERY excited for award shows, but after the 2009 VMA's, I haven't been too psyched about award shows. Now, I'm not one to point the finger at anyone, (who am I kidding?), but I think Kanye ruined the rest of the 2009 award season for me. Don't get me wrong though, I'm one of the biggest Kanye fans you'll ever meet, but Kanye did some damage to my anticipation of award shows at the 2009 VMA's. But I'm not here to bash Kanye. I'm actually here to stand by "The Louie Vuitton Don", and offer my always humble view on how the 2010 Grammy Nominations treated Kanye................ THE NOMINATIONS ARE WACK (in regards to Kanye's nominations). How is it that people loved "808's and Heartbreak", yet the only nod that the album got was a measly one for "Amazing", which is in the "Best Rap Performance By A Duo or Group" category. REALLY? The song was 90% Kanye West. To put it in that category is disrespectful (at the LEAST) to Kanye. Why not give "808's and Heartbreak" a nomination in "Best Pop Album"? We all know that it belongs in that category, (with a couple more nominations to be honest). I find it hilarious how Kanye lost all nods in the music world after the VMA incident. We all know that he already had some of those awards in the BAG at the VMA's (let's be honest), but due to his irresponsible actions that night, he lost them. Same thing happened at the AMA's and all of the award shows that followed. I at least expected The Grammy's to get over the "Kanye Stigma" that all of America was stricken with. Obviously not. Well, all there is to do now is just sit back and hope that Mr. West can at least win the (wack) awards that he's nominated for. Good luck Mr. West.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Go-Between

I'm starting to see a common occurrence in my life. Whenever two friends of mine have disputes who do they come to, (behind each other's backs of course)? You got it, ME. This chain of events has been occurring since...let's say, elementary school. I guess one could say that I'm a very good listener, or just very good at staying neutral in these situations. Either way, it can get very stressful, and can even make me (the mediator) feel like I'm betraying one friend at one moment, and the other friend at another moment. One of the most important things that I've learned while in the business of mediation is that you should never disclose the information that one friend gave to you to the other friend! That is an almost sure fire way to destroy the bridges that a mediator is in charge of building, or (in some cases) reconstructing. I think I've made the mistake of "spilling the beans" once or twice before, and it usually results in one friend resenting you while the other one praises you. THAT'S when YOU become part of the problem, and as a mediator, who wants that? So take that as my "Two Cents of The Day" for all you faithful mediators and friends out there! And as always...KATO MATE!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Janet is BACK!

I won't do it bloggers. I won't be the one (of too many) Americans who'll sit around and say
The only reason Janet is getting so much attention is because Michael died.I WON'T DO IT! Now while it's common knowledge that Janet hasn't been as big as she used to be since the Superbowl incident, and the new-found obsession with the youngest Jackson child is a little odd, I won't deny that it is past due. Americans as a people may be more open to certain celebrity acts, but we are by no means the most forgiving. Americans can hold a grudge! Let's take the Kanye West/Taylor Swift incident that occurred in SEPTEMBER for example. After Kanye West interrupted Taylor's speech to protest her winning (which I do not support him for), he was the most hated man in America! And I dare someone to try and tell me that he wasn't! Now, yes, he did deserve some of the flack that he got. But why people are still going on about it over two months later is beyond me! The same thing happened when Janet had her "wardrobe malfunction" on national television, and received nothing but hate for 5+ years. But it seems like America is finally ready to embrace The Queen of Pop once again. Janet has been the focus of all our attention since June when Michael died, and it looks like Janet is back on her way up to the position that she once held as Pop Royalty. Congratulations Janet!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Good evening bloggers! It's been quiet a while since I've really blogged and I'm SO sorry for that. It's just that I've had a lot to make up in school because of the week that I was out visiting colleges. But I promise to be more diligent in my blogging-PROMISE. But on another note, did anyone see the new pictures of Kanye and Amber Rose shopping in Rome a couple days ago? I for one was VERY excited to see Mr. West after all this time. It's good to see that he's doing well and acting normal.The man's been through a lot, and people always bashing him doesn't make it any easier. I still don't see why we're still talking about his little "slip-up" at the VMA's TWO MONTHS LATER! It's about time that we forgive and forget America!
But on yet ANOTHER note, I recently saw the pictures of the Supra Skytop II's, and I have two words to say: HOT MESS. They managed to ruin a perfectly good shoe with this new version, and I have a big feeling that this might mess up Supra's reputation amongst its dearest and nearest fans.
Well, that's pretty much all that I have to say for right now. I'm gonna be storming the brain a little bit this weekend to come up with some ideas to blog about, so bare with me as I prepare to take you guys to places that you've never been to before! And as always...KATO MATE.

But on yet ANOTHER note, I recently saw the pictures of the Supra Skytop II's, and I have two words to say: HOT MESS. They managed to ruin a perfectly good shoe with this new version, and I have a big feeling that this might mess up Supra's reputation amongst its dearest and nearest fans.

Well, that's pretty much all that I have to say for right now. I'm gonna be storming the brain a little bit this weekend to come up with some ideas to blog about, so bare with me as I prepare to take you guys to places that you've never been to before! And as always...KATO MATE.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I Understand Now.
First it was Jamie Lynn Spears. Then it was "The Secret Life of the American Teenager", and "16 and Pregnant". Then, before we knew it, America was OBSESSED with pregnant teenagers. There were stories of teenagers making "pacts" to become pregnant, and even stories of some young mothers taking unfortunate steps to terminate their pregnancies. Even in the midst of the obsession, however, there were neigh-sayers that claimed the obsession would yield only negative results. When I first heard these claims, I felt as if the protesters were being "too harsh". However, my mind has been changed in the light of recent events. The other night, I was on Facebook, mindlessly browsing the social community, when I came across a status update from a female friend who I had lost contact with. The status was talking about going to the doctor, and hearing a baby's heartbeat for the first time. Immediately my heart dropped as I realized what was going on. As I read further, I found yet another status, in which she finally "came out" and told everyone about the pregnancy. I was SHOCKED to say the absolute least. I have to contact her, I thought. Surprisingly, I got a warm "welcome" after texting her in the first time in about 3 months. Eventually, I got her to "inform" me about her pregnancy, and to my surprise, she didn't appear worried about it. She actually seemed like everything was ok. At one point in the conversation, I asked her if she was upset about having a baby, and she replied, (don't quote me one this one) "No, I got myself into this. I'm actually kinda excited". THAT was where it hit me! Through broadcasting these programs that "glorify" teen pregnancy, we have been giving these young women a false sense of what it is to be a mother. They see the "precious little baby", and all the accessories, but they seem to look over all the medical bills, pain, and various other consequences. I think that it's time that we reconsider what we deem as "entertainment" in America, because as we see, things that we can view as "harmless" are beginning to manifest themselves in a number of negative ways.
Friday, October 30, 2009
"This Is It" Review
The movie started solemnly enough. A short message,(presumably from Kenny Ortega or Travis Payne) appeared on the screen, giving the viewers a short "preface" to the film. Then there is footage of interviews that were conducted with backup dancers, many of whom seem so "emotionally high" at the opportunity to share the stage with Michael. Then, the "show" starts. Kenny Ortega's voice is heard describing the phenomenal opening of "This Is It", which includes a short visual called "Glimpses and Flashes". Finally there is a figure called "Light Man" who is taken apart "piece-by-piece", revealing The King of Pop, who starts the show as usual, on his command. From that moment on, viewers are treated to rehearsal footage that never ceases to amaze. From elaborate dance scenes to footage of The Gloved One going through musical numbers with his musicians, "This Is It" is truly a movie that grabs your attention from the first few moments, and refuses to let go. Perhaps one of the most intense scenes was when MJ took the stage to rehearse "Billie Jean". The 50 year old Jackson glided through the routine almost effortlessly, with a voice that had remained seemingly unchanged for over 25 years. During a dance break of the routine, Michael shifts into a whole new gear, busting out moves with such intensity that it nearly moves you to your feet in admiration. Overall, "This Is It" was a great film, put together with the most dedicated fans in mind. It is guaranteed to leave you wanting more, but at the same time, leave you with a sense of closure that is well needed in this Michael Jackson saga.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Tiffany Evans has resurfaced from the debris that was her career. She's attacking Rihanna's new song, "Russian Roulette", and saying that it could influence people in the wrong way. She also goes on to talk about how a lot of people in the music industry are worshipping Satan, and other topics having to do with the short time that she was involved in this industry. The comment that upsets me the most, however is where she says, " Its okay to be deep,but not murder deep." That has to be one of the dumbest comments that I've EVER heard. When you go through certain things in your life it gets dark. That's when you write songs like Russian Roulette, in order to illustrate, (in a non-literal way) what happened to you. It's called good songwriting...Idiot.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I Can't STAND him!
I'm sorry Bloggers, I'm REAL sorry. But I'm about to throw grease ALLL over 50 Cent. If you know me then you know that the one musician that I can't stand is 50 Cent. Everytime that I read about one of his interviews, (that always include him dissing people like Kanye West) I get ENRAGED. I can't believe that this guy is still talking all this garbage after he promised to retire if Kanye beat him in album sales 2 YEARS AGO! And yet, here we are in 2009 still hearing from this dead beat. Now, don't me wrong, I liked 50 Cent when he first came out a while ago. He was a great lyricist. But over the years, I've noticed one thing: 50 Cent's only career strategy has been dissing other rappers. Think about it. Who hasn't he had "beef" with? Ja Rule, Fat Joe, The Game, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Lil Wayne...And the list goes on. I can't believe how much of a loser this guy is. Has he noticed that NO ONE else has time to be responding to his stupid little comments? When was the last time that someone really retaliated against him? IT'S BEEN A WHILE! You would think that he'd get smart and realize where petty beefs get you-DEAD! (See Tupac, Biggie and others). I have absolutely NO respect for people that constantly talk garbage about other people in order to "stay in the loop". When 50 Cent releases "Before I Self-Destruct" on November 23rd, I hope SO earnestly that he has HORRIBLE sales. I would love to see this man's career crash and burn earlier than it's scheduled for. So with that, I call for a MASSIVE boycott against all things 50 Cent! Please, If you have respect for rap music then you need to boycott his garbage. We can't let this fool stay in the media any longer. Leave your comments.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Remember when Gaga was COOL?
I DO. The first time I had ever seen Gaga was on one of Kanye's "Fresh Kids" blog posts. Most of the pictures included Gaga in gloves, origami dresses, and with her iconic "disco stick". From that moment on, I was, (yes, I'll admit it), INFACTUATED with the girl named Gaga. I was mesmerized with her cutting-edge style, and creative videos. For a while she wowed everyone with her wild, "dancer girl" image; like a modern-day Madonna. Now, I'm not sure what happened. Somewhere along the line Gaga fell off of that "Fresg Kids" list in modern culture. Now we all sit in anticipation, just waiting for the oppurtunity to say, "What was she thinking??!!". THIS FOLKS,
is what happens when someone tries too hard to be ICONIC. ICONIC. ICONIC. Celebrities today are OBSESSED with this word. Everyone wants to be iconic. Whether it's Rihanna going out in purple lipstick and barely-there clothing, or Lady Gaga's red carpet nightmares, the longing to be an icon is very evident in today's pop culture. It's getting ridiculous people! I'm tired of seeing these psychotic celebrity attempts to be ranked amongst the likes of Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, and Michael Jackson, (in the terms of being an icon). I really ask myself what these people are thinking when they pull outfits like the ones that some celebrities do. THAT'S IT. KATO MATE.
Hey Bloggers! I know, I know, it's been FOREVER since I've blogged. Most of this is due to the fact that I've been grounded, and banished to the bummy computer. I won't even attempt to blog on that computer so I just haven't blogged, which I feel HORRIBLE for. Now, I know that you guys are all wondering what's with the video below. Well, lately I've been listening to a lot of great music, and since I didn't have a new picture to put on this entry, I decided to grace you guys with one of the songs that I'm obsessed with right now, "Syndicate" by The Fray. I've liked The Fray's music ever since I heard "Over My Head (Cable Car)" in 2005. I really appreciate music with amazing lyrics, and The Fray's songs have some of the best lyrics, as shown in this song. For some reason their music always brings me back to great times in my life, (most of which are in NY), and that's what makes a song great. The ability to bring the listener to another place in time....WHOO! That was deep. On another "deep" subject, I watched ALL of M. Night Shyamalan's "The Village" this past weekend. I have to say, this man is a GENIUS. I don't care what critic gave this movie bad reviews. The storyline was so amazing with twists in every corner that made you sit on the edge of the seat and rewind the movie multiple times. I would suggest al of his movies to anyone that can appreciate great cinematic masterpieces. Well, that's about all I have for right now folks. I'm probably going to the mall soon. So, with that I leave you promises of more faithful blogging from my end. And as always, KATO MATE.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
ATTENTION!! I have my first ever interview on the "Fashion is my thing" blog..Here's the link. EVERYBODY go and read it!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Lawn Mowers from HEEEECCKK!!!
PEOPLE.....I HATEEEEE lawnmowers. This weekend I have been BOMBARDED with (EXPENSIVE) problems that have all circulated around these contraptions. Now, SURE, maybe I brought some of the problems upon myself, but if I never had encountered these God-forsaken machines, none of these unfortunate events would have occured, (no pun intended). Now I know what all of you guys are asking, "What exactly happened with these lawn mowers??". Well, I'm not even going to tell you out of the fear that you might think that I'm SOOO stupid that my blog becomes nonsesce to you. I'M JUST SAYING. But most importantly.....STAY AWAY FROM THOSE THINGS!!!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Shoe Game.

The Bo-Ro shoe from Japanes Footwear company, Ubiq. I just have one question, "Why are all the dope sneakers in Japan?????" This shoe is so fresh..From the button details to the flaps, this shoe is a definite eye-catcher.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Haters Shake My hand But I Keep The Sanitizer on Deck

Good Evening Bloggers. Well today is only Tuesday but let me tell you...I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE WEEKEND! I struggled for a long time this morning just to get out of bed, and walk the dog at 6:30 am...UNDERSTANDABLE. This week just seems like one of those weeks that will turn out to be looonngg and boring....O well....On another note, is anyone as psyched as me for Kanye West and Lady Gaga's "Fame Kills" tour to come to their city??!! According to the schedule, Ye and Gaga will be in Greensboro, North Carolina on December 12th, so me and my boy Mumbles will definitely be hitting that up! WELL...that's all I really have to say right now, nothing else really going on now......... (This is definitely some of my worst writing ever) until next time, KATO MATE.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I'll Be Up Up and Away

Hola Folks. Well today is a VERY important day. The day that Kid Cudi released his debut album "Man On The Moon: The End Of The Day". I don't know about the rest of you, but I've been waiting FOREVER for this album to drop, and I have to tell you that the wait was well worth it. I've been listening to the album since I got home this afternoon, but it seems like everytime I listen to it, it's brand new. From the deep, personal tracks like "My World", to more upbeat tracks like "Up Up & Away", the album never stops giving. Kid Cudi has created a piece of art work. Woven with intricate beats over deep feelings, "Man On The Moon: The End Of The Day" screams "Greatness". I would even go as far as to say that the album has inspired me. I've been inspired to pour more of myself into whatever I do, including this blog. I've been inspired to be more creative with what I do. All these are a result of this great piece of work. God has truly blessed Kid Cudi with the ability to reach people all over the world his music and I can't wait for more.
Monday, September 14, 2009
2009 VMA Review
AAHHHH.....Well folks, as you all know last night, the 2009 MTV VMA awards came on. I for one was EXTREMELY excited to see the show after hearing of the Janet Jackson dance tribute to her brother, Lady Gaga's performance, and multiple other scheduled events for the night. The show opened up with a great speech from pop icon Madonna, who talked about her brief time with the late Michael Jackson. What really touched me was how she "blamed" herself and others for the passing of Michael. I really havent heard anyone took full responsibility for the King of Pop's Death, and it was great to know that someone actually has the gutts to do so. After Madonna concluded her speech, the tribute to Michael began. First, his backup dancers emerged and did a great dance medley, which consisted of "Thriller", "Bad" and "Smooth Criminal". This brief performance by the dancers gave the world but a preview of the amount of talent that the late King of Pop was working with in his last days. Then the stage took a dramatic change,as everyone prepared for "Scream" to be performed. A brief clip of Michael Jackson from the video was shown before Janet emerged, and gave a groundbreaking performance. That's how the night started off. Now, somewhere along the course of the night, the award show took a turn for the worse. Maybe it was Jack Black's mock prayer to Satan or Russel Brand's untasteful jokes that ruined the magic for me....OH!! WAIT!! I KNOW WHAT IT WAS! It was my musical idol, Kanye West, acting like a complete JERK on national television-AGAIN! I love that man a lot, but it's getting tiring having to defend him all the time. Unfortunately theres no excuses this time..SORRY Mr.West. Well, after that trainwreck moment I was EAGER for whatever normality the show could offer. Instead I got GAGA. Now, the performance was very creative, dot get me wrong, but I think it got to be too much somewhere along the line. Needless to say, after that performance I was DESPERATE for an artist to come along and restore the show back to the greatness that it had been in it's beginning. Then came Beyonce. Belting out a quick medley of "Sweet Dreans" and "Single Ladie's" the Queen Bey then performed "Single Ladie's" with an array of talented backup dancers. This performance saved the night for me. But, after all that excitement, I was tired. I watched until Beyonce did her damage repair by letting Taylor Swift do her speech. Today I caught up with the rest of the nights highs and lows, (including Lil Mama's unexpected stage appearance during Jay-Z's powerful performance of "Empire State of Mind" with Alicia Keys). What an idiot. Overall, the show was good, however I do think that it's time that MTV takes more precaution when inviting characters like Kanye West to the award shows. How he managed to get up on stage, I DON'T KNOW. I do know that there's a great invention called security though but, WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO?....And with that I conclude this entry. KATO MATE FAM.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Happy Labor Day.

Hola Bloggers! I hope everybody's having a great Labor Day weekend. This three day weekend was GREATLY needed after those first two weeks of school! I'm one of those people that NEVER get used to waking up early, so getting to sleep in has been quite a delightful experience. This Saturday I visited some HBCU's (Historically Black Colleges) with this great organization called Campus Connections. Now, at first I wasnt crazy about the whole HBCU thing, but it's looking a little better now. That took up allll of Saturday, so I didnt get to join my FBCW family on their mall scavenger hunt :(, but it was still a great experience. Sunday consisted of church in the morning and friends the rest of the day :). As of now.....I'm waiting for my dad to come home so I can go to South Park Mall and take advantage of some dope sales lol.....So with THAT I bid you all adieu. And until next time....KATO MATE!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Well, lately I've been OBSESSED, (to say the least), with ALL THINGS matte. For those of you that don't know, matte refers to anything without a glossy finish. I'm sure that we've all felt things that have a rough, almost grainy, texture to them. Well that's matte folks. So with that, I leave you with a tribute to all (dope) things MATTE. ENJOY.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I Got Me Some Bathing Apes

Bathing Ape motoring style leather jacket from the 2009 Fall/Winter collection. Available in the two colors shown.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I Had to Do It to 'Em
I dont know what to do anymore folks.....As we all know, with every new school year, there's also new "fads" that pop up around school like weeds after the rain. Now, some of these trends are hot, but others, ehhhh...let's just say we could do without. One of these "fads" that are growing increasingly popular, (and just as annoying), are the extra small backpacks. Everywhere I look now, theres some highschool guy, (or gal) wearing one of these ridiculous, small backpacks. Now, I started to notice this trend becoming popular towards the end of last year, and I returned this year to find that the "virus" had spread. It's nearly impossible to walk down the hallway without seeing some wannabe walking down the hallway with their mini backpack. But WAIT, the madness doesnt stop at there! Instead of taking their backpacks off like a normal person, the "hipsters" sit in class with the backpack ON! And dont expect them to leave it in the room when they go out for a sip of water. That bag isnt goin ANYWHERE! I find myself getting sssooo annoyed by this "fad" that it has ultimately become a distraction. I earnestly wish that teenagers would stop trying to be like everyone else for once, and just be THEM. It annoys me to no end to walk down the hall and see every guy wearing a G-Shock and every girl rocking a pair of Rainbow sandals. But as I always say, "What are you gonna do?". There are always going to be fads, and there are always going to be insecure teenagers who bend over backwards to conform to the crowd. Now, dont think that I'm being Mr. Uppity here. I, at times, find myself yearning to wear what the "cool kids" wear, but at the end of the day, you have to realize that it's your INDIVIDUALITY that makes you special, not your ability to blend in.
Monday, August 24, 2009
A Refection on Summer '09

Well folks, it's that time again...No matter where you are in the United States, summer is slowly, (or quite rapidly in my case) coming to a close. So with that, I ask, "What did you do this summer?". Did you make new friends? Did you do something life-changing? Did you try something new? Fortunately I can answer "yes" to all those questions. I can really say that this has been one of the best summers of my life thus far. I've gotten closer to God, and many friends. I've tried new things, and made new friendships. So all in all, my summer was great, and it's with great sadness and even greater anticipation that I look back at Summer '09, and then turn and look ahead at the future ahead of me...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
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