Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Erykah Badu's "Window Seat"

OK, let's face it. Erykah Badu lost her mind a WHILE ago, and I doubt that even she can object to that. Nevertheless, I was still very shocked when I watched her video for "Window Seat". In the video, Badu plays on the assassination of JFK while protesting conformity. Sounds harmless right? One would think so until they get to 3:46 when the singer is left in nothing but her bra and panties while walking nonchalantly on a public street. Now I know you guys are probably thinking "WTF??", but it gets better (and I use that word lightly). Miss Badu is still turning heads at 4:26 when she reaches for her bra strap. Now at that point, I was thinking "There's no way this is happening". But indeed it did. In a matter of 6 seconds, the singer was TOPLESS. You can immediately see the shock and outrage as pedestrians look at the half-naked singer parading down the street in nothing but her undies. But holding true to the rest of the video, it doesn't stop there. At 4:44 the singer reaches for her underpants and casually pulls them off. And there is Erykah Badu. Naked on the street. At that point I'm speechless, but Erykah has one more "shock" up her sleeve (or SKIN). The sound of a gun shot comes out of nowhere and immediately Erykah flings her head back and collapses to the ground, mirroring the assassination of JFK . Then Erykah's voice is heard once more, but this time she is talking. She criticizes a group (who she later identifies as "us") for conforming and being too afraid to stand out apart from the group. A good message, right? Precisely. But was casually walking down the street nude the way to get it across? No. I am no advocate for being so politically correct that you lose the real meaning of a piece of art in your own criticism of it. I find nothing wrong with the singer's allusion to the assassination of a president because it had a good meaning behind it. But the manner in which it was done was distasteful to say the least. Kudos to Erykah for the nice piece of pop art that she's gave us, but on the contrary, shame on her for her vulgarity.   

Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care Reform: So Where Do YOU Stand?

We all (should) know what happened last night with health care reform. But what I want to know is where YOU stand on the issue. Are you happy? Upset? Outraged? Shocked? Tell me! As you can tell from the picture above, I'm on the fence about the situation, and want to hear what others have to say about it. Leave your opinions/remarks/concerns, etc. in the comment area. Thank you, and as always, KATO MATE.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

So Do Tell Me..

What are some common misconceptions that either you or some people you know have about Christians? This idea just came to me as a result of a recent debate with an unbeliever via Facebook as I realized that A LOT of people have these misconceptions or are confused about Christianity/Christians/God, etc. So I want to know what YOUR questions/comments/concerns and I'll try my BEST to attend to them. But let's get one thing straight first. This is by NO MEANS a debate. This is an opportunity for me to "clear the air" in a way and hopefully change lives. *BTW PLEASE MAKE SURE TO CHECK BACK ON THIS POST FOR MY ANSWER/RESPONSE TO WHAT YOU WRITE BECAUSE AS YOU ALL KNOW WE DON'T GET NOTIFICATIONS WHEN SOMEONE REPLIES TO WHAT WE SAY ON BLOGGER!*

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Blame it on the Au-Au-Au-Au-Au-Autotune.

Ok..so these two performances were done within MONTHS of each other (the one at the bottom being the most recent one). Now, a lot of people are saying that Rihanna ISN'T using auto-tune in the second one but if you listen CLOSELY (especially at 2:17 and 3:00-3:01), and then compare it to the first video performance which took place in November I believe(?), then you'll notice a HUGE difference in Rihanna's voice that sounds almost, AUTOTUNED. Now, before you guys jump down my throat let me say that Rihanna has grown TREMENDOUSLY in the last couple years as far as live performances, but there's no ignoring the use of auto-tune here.

Monday, March 1, 2010


How could you look at this picture and not be in awe of the genius that IS STILL Michael Jackson?! I presume that this picture was taken before MJ donned the stage on his critically-acclaimed "Bad World Tour", and for some reason it just strikes me as AWESOME. Here is the man, the legend, in all his (and GOD knows I HATE this word but here it goes), SWAGGER! I don't know..maybe it's just because I'm a FANATIC of the "Bad-era" that I feel this way over a picture, but then again, Michael is an amazing man.


The thing's people do for money...