Friday, August 7, 2009

In regards to my last post....

Well, I'm sure that everyone already saw the post that I did yesterday on Mariah's performance....Unfortunately, (or not so much), I've been forced to revoke my earlier compliments on this performance. I've watched it a couple more times and have really noticed just how boring and dumb it was. Mariah Carey has to be one of the most most boring performers to watch. Obviously stepping over people was the only choreography that she could manage to do while singing..Which brings me to my next point, the vocals. I'm not sure if Mariah was lip-synching at times but I think she was. To me it sounded like there were 12 backing tracks along with the backup singers which all equaled a hot mess. Mariah still needs to work on her vocals because it's obvious that she's not fully there yet. Hopefully she can get better because I'm tired of watching her perform like this.

1 comment:

  1. follow my blog n ill follow u bakk
