Monday, October 12, 2009


Hey Bloggers! I know, I know, it's been FOREVER since I've blogged. Most of this is due to the fact that I've been grounded, and banished to the bummy computer. I won't even attempt to blog on that computer so I just haven't blogged, which I feel HORRIBLE for. Now, I know that you guys are all wondering what's with the video below. Well, lately I've been listening to a lot of great music, and since I didn't have a new picture to put on this entry, I decided to grace you guys with one of the songs that I'm obsessed with right now, "Syndicate" by The Fray. I've liked The Fray's music ever since I heard "Over My Head (Cable Car)" in 2005. I really appreciate music with amazing lyrics, and The Fray's songs have some of the best lyrics, as shown in this song. For some reason their music always brings me back to great times in my life, (most of which are in NY), and that's what makes a song great. The ability to bring the listener to another place in time....WHOO! That was deep. On another "deep" subject, I watched ALL of M. Night Shyamalan's "The Village" this past weekend. I have to say, this man is a GENIUS. I don't care what critic gave this movie bad reviews. The storyline was so amazing with twists in every corner that made you sit on the edge of the seat and rewind the movie multiple times. I would suggest al of his movies to anyone that can appreciate great cinematic masterpieces. Well, that's about all I have for right now folks. I'm probably going to the mall soon. So, with that I leave you promises of more faithful blogging from my end. And as always, KATO MATE.

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